Digital Ethnography of a Sick System: Higher Education and the Pandemic DOI:

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Alvarez-Junco, S.


March 2020 marked us all, but it started shaking the schooled sector's immune system. However, to understand the strategies Academy applied to address the problem, one must understand the factors presented at the beginning of the pandemic. In this sense, the research that concerns it gives an account of digital ethnographic analysis. Part of a general presentation of the pre-pandemic digital educational context in Mexico and finally focuses on the autonomous university context. It aims to publicize the first actions implemented by different autonomous universities. It collects information derived from digital sources exposed on social networks such as video tips and university councils' reporting. Four autonomous universities are analyzed, and the information presented to official media is contrasted with data obtained through user surveys. The results present the constant and elements of three axes. The first points to the pre-pandemic social context immediately encompass academic decision-making for the community's organization and end with the actions taken on universities' virtual return. Finally, it invites the construction and incorporation of other knowledge that contribute to hybrid feature curriculums.


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How to Cite
Alvarez-Junco, S. . (2021). Digital Ethnography of a Sick System: Higher Education and the Pandemic. Docentes 2.0 Journal, 11(1), 47–55.
Author Biography

Alvarez-Junco, S., Autonomous University of Queretaro

Degree in Communication Sciences from the Intercontinental University, with a master's degree in Action-Education Research from the Normal School of Querétaro and a PhD in Innovation and Educational Technology from the quality program enrolled in CONACYT from the Autonomous University of Querétaro. Interested in the field of research in the educational area with an interdisciplinary perspective. I have twenty years of experience in teaching. Creator and coordinator of the Culture and History of Mexico program for the University of West Virgina as part of the bicultural program of industrial scope. Advises in the construction of study plans and undergraduate programs. Currently I work as coordinator of international ABET accreditations for the degrees of the Faculty of Engineering of the Autonomous University of Querétaro, professor of Gamification for the Faculty of Political Sciences as well as Oral and Written Expression. International level speaker and workshop leader. As part of my duties outside the academy, I have collaborated since 2013 for Copa Andamaxei, the largest tournament in the Mexican lowlands, as a Community manager.

Citaciones del Artículo


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