A Didactic and Integrate Model as the Cornerstone of Scientific Writing DOI: https://doi.org/10.37843/rted.v11i1.205

Main Article Content

Dr. Maldonado-Gallardo, A.
Dra. Solís-Muñoz, R.


This article is derived on the academic experiences obtained in five diploma courses on theory, processes for writing scientific articles, design, structure and thesis writing, organized by the Self-Access Center of the Department of Languages (DI), at the Universidad Michoacana, San Nicolás de Hidalgo (UMSNH). This document showed that the multidisciplinary diploma courses in scientific writing seek to provide theoretical and methodological support to integrated students, guiding them towards legible writings of academic documents, using practical, technological, discursive, writing, style, including structure, editorial trends, so important in the dissemination of science within university communities. This, under the guidance of expert professors in different cultural areas, through an integral proposal, whose purpose is to support thesis students in their research: style, writing, grammar, technologies and languages. This proposal has yielded excellent results; it is expected to serve as a reference in other institutions. An action-research methodology of interpretative scope was used, giving tangible results to solve the needs of the teaching-learning process that allows the construction of scientific articles or theses. The above, synthesizing the information, was the result of 20 (twenty) diagnostic questionnaires, applied to students who entered diploma courses. The data from the survey show the category of style and writing as the greatest need of the students in scientific matters, therefore, it is affirmed that undergraduate and graduate students resort to the diploma courses not only to learn grammar and semantics, but also to adequately structure sentences and a discourse.


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How to Cite
Maldonado-Gallardo, A., & Solís-Muñoz, R. (2021). A Didactic and Integrate Model as the Cornerstone of Scientific Writing. Docentes 2.0 Journal, 11(1), 154–165. https://doi.org/10.37843/rted.v11i1.205
Author Biographies

Dr. Maldonado-Gallardo, A., Michoacan University of San Nicolás de Hidalgo

Dr. Alejo Maldonado Gallardo. Huetamo, Michoacán, Mexico (1956).

Graduated in History from the Faculty of History of the Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo, Master in Educational Sciences and Doctor in Historical Sciences from the University of Havana (Cuba). He has been a Full-Time Research Professor at the Faculty of History since 1982 and was Director of it (1989-1994), coordinator of the option in Historiography of the Institutional Master's Program in History (2000-2003) offered by this unit, and Director of the Division of Graduate Studies of the same (2003–2005); he also Director of the Center for Multidisciplinary Studies for the Sustainable Development of the Balsas Basin (2003–2006); and since December 2006 he is Director of the Balsas Professional Unit of the Michoacan University of San Nicolás de Hidalgo, located in this city of Huetamo.

Founding President of the National Council for the Formation of the Historian (1991–1997), Vice President of the Association of Latin American and Caribbean Historians –ADHILAC- (2001– 2007 / 2007-2011) and member of the Mexico section (1990–1994).

Director of the magazines La formation del historiador (1991–2001) and América a Debate (2002–2003); President of the International Chair on Latin American Thought "Juan Bosch"; and editor of the Theory and Historiography collection, which is published at the Michoacan University of San Nicolás de Hidalgo and coordinator of several books, including the four volumes of Latin American and Caribbean Integration: History, Politics, Economy and Culture. Member of the editorial boards of the magazines Research and Development (Colombia), Chacmool (Cuba-Mexico) and América a Debate (Mexico).

He has given conferences and courses in educational institutions in Mexico, Cuba and Spain, he has also participated in different regional, national and international congresses with topics on theoretical problems of history and historiography, as well as social and cultural history, both in Mexico , as in Brazil, Cuba, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Colombia, Ecuador, Venezuela, the Dominican Republic, among others. He is a specialist in Mexican Revolution, Cardenismo and Education, as well as in historical and cultural issues of the Balsas Michoacán / Guerrero region. About thirty articles and essays published by him deal with these issues, as do his books, such as the struggle for land in Michoacán (Mexico 1985), Agrarismo y poder politico: 1917-1938 (México 1993), la Educación Socialista in Michoacán (Mexico 1995), labyrinths of Latin American integration. History, myth and reality of a utopia (Mexico 2002 and Venezuela 2006), the Cuban revolution. Synthesis and commentary (Ecuador 2005, Venezuela 2006 and Spain 2009), Latin American revolutions of the 20th century (Mexico 2006), an education for social change. The Cardenistas experience 1928-1940 (Mexico 2009). In press he has two books: history, culture and news of the peoples of the Balsas and The Mexican Revolution. A struggle that changed the history of a town (1910-1940).

For the work of academic exchange and rapprochement that he made between the schools, colleges and faculties of history of different Mexican universities with the Cuban ones, in 1993 the University of Havana awarded him the 250th Anniversary Medal of the University of Havana. Years later, in 2006 the University of Havana (Cuba) awarded the book History of the Cuban Revolution: Synthesis and Commentary, of which he is co-author together with Sergio Guerra Vilaboy, as the best scientific book of that year in Social Sciences.

He is currently a Professor, tutor and thesis director in the Bachelor Programs in History of the Faculty of History, as well as the Institutional Doctorate in History shared by the Institute for Historical Research and the Faculty of History, and the Doctorate in Regional Development Sciences offered by the Institute of Economic and Business Research of the Michoacan University of San Nicolás de Hidalgo, where he teaches the chairs of Research Seminars, theory and methods of science, as well as discourse analysis and contemporary studies of Mexico. The three Postgraduate Educational Programs are of Academic Excellence and are registered within the National Register of Postgraduates of the National Council of Science and Technology (CONACYT), being among the best in the country.
Dr. Alejo Maldonado Gallardo, cultivates the Lines of Generation and Application of Knowledge in social and cultural history, economic history and regional development, as well as history and historiography. He is the PROMEP profile of the Undersecretariat of Higher Education of the Ministry of Public Education. As well as Director member of the H. University Council of the Michoacan University of San Nicolás de Hidalgo.

Among his latest books are:

2002 The labyrinths of Latin American integration. History, Myth and reality of a utopia. Mexico, Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo, 120 pp. (ISBN 970-703-158-1)

2005 History of the Cuban Revolution. Synthesis and comment. Ecuador, Ediciones la Tierra, 212 pp. (ISBN 9978-320-02-4)

2006 Latin American Revolutions of the 20th Century. Historical synthesis and historiographic analysis. Mexico, Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás Hidalgo, 471 pp. (ISBN 970-703-414-9)

2006 History of the Cuban Revolution. Synthesis and comment. Venezuela, Comala.com., 175 pp. (ISBN 980-390-140-0)

2006 Labyrinths of Latin American integration. History, myth and reality of a utopia. Venezuela, Comala.com., 93 pp. (ISBN 980-390-141-9)

2008 An education for change. The Cardenista experience in Michoacán, 1928-1940. Mexico, Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo, 306 pp. (ISBN 978-607-424-006-1)

2009 History of the Cuban Revolution. Tafallan Navarra-Nafarroa (Spain), Editorial Txalaparta, 297 pp. (ISBN 979-84-8136-544-3)

2010 History, culture and news of the Balas towns. Mexico, Michoacan University of San Nicolás de Hidalgo (in press)

2010 The Mexican Revolution. The story that changed the destiny of a town, Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo (in press).

Dra. Solís-Muñoz, R., Universidad Centro Panamericano de Estudios Superiores

  • Postdoctoral
  • Doctor in Historical Sciences
  • Master of Science in Education
  • BA in History

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