Digital Literacy as a Bridge of Social Exclusion Postcovid-19 DOI:

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Sandoval-Bravo, C.


A new window of the 21st century begins and with it a time of profound social challenges and it is how to continue integrating Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and multiple technological innovations to daily activities. The world today has a great challenge due to the impact of COVID-19, new opportunities arise in the field of technological skills, giving rise to new inequalities and social gaps, which motivates the creation of new useful strategies to be able to address them. The present study aimed to strengthen digital-technological abilities and skills in infocommunication environments for the development of collaborative work. In the development of the research, the mixed approach was used, and the questionnaire and survey were used in the information gathering process. The population under study was made up of 130 Community Educational Agents, between 25 and 68 years old, belonging to the Cooperativa de Multiactiva de Agentes Educativas de Girón COOMUDAEG, located in Girón Santander, Colombia. The findings conclude that in post-COVID-19-time, Educational Agents can continue strengthening their skills and technological skills in infocommunication environments, to strengthen collaborative work, problem solving in their daily and professional lives, thus reducing the risk of exclusion. Social.


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How to Cite
Sandoval-Bravo, C. H. (2021). Digital Literacy as a Bridge of Social Exclusion Postcovid-19. Docentes 2.0 Journal, 11(1), 120–129.
Author Biography

Sandoval-Bravo, C., Minuto de Dios University Corporation

Teacher in the undergraduate program of Bachelor of Early Childhood Education at the Faculty of Education at the UNIMINUTO Bogotá UVD University Corporation, Professor of Educational and Pedagogical Practices and of the research area in the Bachelor of Early Childhood Education program of the Faculty of Education UNIMINUTO UVD, leader of the Saber Pro process.

Speaker at the I International Congress on Pedagogical Practice Universidad Caldas 2019. Speaker at the V International Virtual Congress on Learning and Knowledge Technologies CIVTAC 2020 Venezuela.

Creation and management of classrooms in AVA, Moodle and Blackboard platforms, experience in OVA design. ICT tools trainer as a didactic strategy in strengthening Technological skills. With basic skills in the foreign language of English.

Master in Educational Technology Management. UDES University 2018.

Specialization in Management of Educational Institutions. 2011. University of Tolima.

Specialization in Pedagogy for the Development of Children's Thought. Bucaramanga, 2001. Universidad Del Tolima.

Basic Primary Degree, with emphasis in the Humanities Area. Bucaramanga, 1998. Santo Tomas University.

Diploma in University Teaching. UNIMINUTO University Corporation, 2017. Diploma in Educational Research. Higher Polytechnic of Colombia 2019.

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