Gamification as a Technological Tool for Learning in Higher Education DOI:

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Heredia-Sánchez, B.
Pérez-Cruz, D.
Cocón-Juárez, J.
Zavaleta-Carrillo, P.


This research presents gamification as an innovative technology that the teacher can apply in the subjects of the higher educational level, with the purpose of increasing the interest of the students in the study, and what to see reflected in the academic performance of the university students. The advancement of game and training technology has brought education in such a way that currently the teacher has to find strategies and tools for the most interesting sea learning process for students. That is why, with this objective, the investigation of different current gamification tools with impact in the classroom was carried out as an effective strategy for learning the subjects. The qualitative approach allows us to apply a documentary-bibliographic research, facilitate the review and comparison of three tools, determine what offers the greatest benefits, both to teachers and students, therefore, it is concluded that the tool called Quizizz is the most Complete The use of this tool, hand in hand with the creativity of the teacher in the design of dynamic activities as a game, improves the performance and results of the students in the subjects. However, it must be considered that the efficiency measure of the affected results does not only depend on the tools, other factors that may affect these results.


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How to Cite
Heredia-Sánchez, B. D. C., Pérez-Cruz, D., Cocón-Juárez , J. F., & Zavaleta-Carrillo, P. (2020). Gamification as a Technological Tool for Learning in Higher Education. Docentes 2.0 Journal, 9(2), 49–58.
Author Biographies

Heredia-Sánchez, B., Del Carmen Autonomous University

Berenice del C. Heredia Sánchez. Computer systems engineering, Faculty of Information Sciences, with experience in analysis and design systems.

Pérez-Cruz, D., Del Carmen Autonomous University

Dámaris Pérez Cruz, Professor-Researcher at the University Autónoma del Carmen, attached to the Faculty of Information Sciences. Teacher with a Master's Degree in Science with a specialty in Computer Systems from the University of the Americas-Puebla (UDLAP).

Cocón-Juárez, J., Del Carmen Autonomous University

José Felipe Cocón Juárez, Professor-Researcher of the University Autónoma del Carmen, attached to the Faculty of Information Sciences. Professor with a PhD from the Rey Juan Carlos University (Spain) of the Doctorate program in Information Technology and Computer Systems.

Zavaleta-Carrillo, P., Del Carmen Autonomous University

Patricia Zavaleta Carrillo, Professor-Researcher at the University Autónoma del Carmen, attached to the Faculty of Information Sciences. Teacher with a Master's Degree in Sciences with Specificity in Computational Sciences from the National Center for Research and Technological Development (CENIDET).

Citaciones del Artículo


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