Since 2013, Technological-Educational Journal Docentes 2.0 (RTED), ISSN: 2665-0266, is a Venezuelan open access journal, with International coverage. The journal exhibits cultural articles in the educational field from 2013 to 2018, as well as scientific articles from the year 2018 onwards, where each article is peer-reviewed using the double-blind method. Its publication is semi-annual (March-August, April-September) managed and published by Grupo Docentes 2.0 C.A. RTED aims to raise the profile of technological-educational-scientific research at an international level, supporting the authors with the projection of their work within an international scope, which fosters the good practices and contributes to the development of new policies. The articles included in it, meet the selection criteria where originality, relevance, multidisciplinary interest, punctuality, accessibility, distinction, and study conclusions are contemplated. RTED publishes articles from all fields of social science, education, and technology: Learning and knowledge technologies, innovative learning spaces, inverted classroom, gamification, competency-based learning, active learning, challenge-based learning, constructive learning assessment, open access (practices, resources, repositories), mobile learning and others in the technological-educational area. The purpose of this journal is to make the research freely available with immediate open access to its published content, which guarantees a global exchange of knowledge. Those interested in publishing on RTED should send an email to [email protected].

Steps to follow:
    • Download the template
    • Fill the template with the required data
    • Register
    • Make the shipment
    • Wait for approval
    • Pay the tariff
    • Peer Review Process
    • Work corrections
    • And ready to publish in the next edition.