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As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.
  • RTED publishes biannually and implements article processing charges - Article Processing Charge (APC), Consult APCwhich is the charge, cost, or amount for processing that some journals require from authors for the publication of their articles in open access after acceptance of the manuscript. This APC is applied to all academic, administrative, teaching, student, and research collaborators. The amount varies according to the number of authors see the link, and the maximum is four (4) authors.Consult APC

Rules for the Reception 

- All works will be located through our OJS platform (tps://ojs.docentes20.com/). When making the shipment, it is necessary to confirm the argument list and ensure the following: the article to be sent is original; it has not been published previously, nor has it been previously referred to another magazine; the document is in Word format; complies with the bibliographic and style requirements indicated in these standards.

The works must deal with research in the area of specialization of the journal: Education, Technology, informatics, and related social sciences.

- It must contain the name and surname of the author or authors, indicating work center, country of origin, email address (essential), and the ORCID number. Note: The authors must be ordered according to the contribution value in the research and identified through the superscript.

- The works can be issued in Spanish and English. The abstract must be in Spanish and English. The maximum length is two hundred fifty (250) words; it must also contain between three (3) and five (5) keywords, which also be translated into English on the abstract page.

- The length of the accepted article depends on the type of document: Research Papers: include partial and final project reports for graduate and postgraduate theses (25 pages maximum). Experiences and projects: innovative practices and development of programs and institutional or extension projects (10 pages maximum). Essays: analysis of specific themes or problems (8 pages maximum). Bibliographic reviews: publications no more than three years old (8 pages maximum). The Editorial Board will evaluate irregularities in said extensions. They must be presented in Times New Roman font, size 12 points, and single line spacing throughout the document.

- If the work has tables, figures, or graphs, they should be listed according to the order in which they appear in the text, with cardinal numbers (1,2,3), followed by a short title. In the end, the source must be indicated.

- Citations should appear in the text in the following format: preferably under APA standards 7th edition: http://normasapa.com/


Articles and essays must be submitted to the DOCENTES 2.0 Journal under the following structure:


1. Title (Spanish)

2. Title (English)

3. Summary

4. Abstract

5. Introduction

6. Methodology

7. Results

8. Discussion

9. Conclusions

10. References.


1. Title (Spanish)

2. Title (English)

3. Summary

4. Abstract

5. Introduction

6. Development

7. Conclusion

Download Templates for Articles (English): Templates for Articles (English)

Download Essay Worksheet (English): Essay Templates (English)



- Only original and updated works representing significant theoretical contributions will be received.

- The reception of the collaborations does not imply any commitment to disclosure by the magazine.

- Two peer reviewers will independently review each submitted article. The review process applies the double-blind method. The decision of publication, modification, or rejection is based on the transparency of the reports/suggestions of the referees. The process begins when the author receives confirmation of receipt of the manuscript, indicating whether the extensive "starts" the peer review process or if it were "rejected" to start it. This decision would depend on the formal aspects, thematic relevance, and originality.  See the Peer Review process

- The Technological-Educational Journal Docentes 2.0 (TEJD) publishes biannually and implements article processing charges - Article Processing Charge (APC), which is a charge, cost, or amount for processing that some journals require from authors to publish their articles in open access after acceptance of the manuscript. This APC is applied to all academic, administrative, teaching, student, and research collaborators. The amount varies according to the number of authors see the link, and the maximum is four (4) authors for 199.99 USD.

- The works that are selected for publication will not receive financial compensation of any kind. They will only be given proof of publication signed by the Editor if requested.

- The author must confirm through the Declaration of Ethics form if he has any conflict of interest. See policies

- When submitting an article to our OJS platform, the system asks you to register, which must provide the following information: Names, Surnames, Preferred public name, email, country, ORCID identifier, institutional affiliation, a biographical summary, the role of the collaborator.

- At the time a work is accepted for publication, the author retains the rights of reproduction and distribution of the article for exploitation in all countries of the world in the format provided by our magazine and in any other magnetic medium. Optical and digital. See Copyright

- The author must indicate the data of the institution (s) that have provided financial funding for the conduct of the research and/or the preparation of the article, as well as briefly describe the role that said (have) played ( s) sponsor (s) in the study design, data collection, analysis, and interpretation, writing of the article or the decision to submit the article for publication. If there was no type of participation, please indicate it as well.