ruth author Dr. Ruth Mujica-Sequera, Ed.D.
ORCID https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2602-5199
 ORCID Grupo Docentes 2.0 C.A.
 mail [email protected]
Texas, United States.
Web of Science Researcher ID AAV-7855-2020.
RC Reviewer Index
RC Google Scholar
RC Minciencias
Ruth Mujica is Venezuelan and resides in the United States. She studied Industrial Engineering and Systems Engineering with a Master's Degree in University Teaching and a Master's in Software Engineering. She specialized in University Teaching, a Doctorate in Educational Technology, and a Postdoctoral in Science, and all her degree works have been approved with Honorable Mention. Ruth is a thesis director, methodological advisor, expert jury, thesis jury, academic advisor, pedagogical manager, editor and co-editor of indexed journals, technological advisor, scientist, educational coach, therapist Systematic in Neurolinguistic Programming, author of books and articles, and Microsoft Certified Innovative Educator (MIE) since 2015. Ruth has worked for more than 13 years at the Technological-Educational level. She is the Founder and CEO of the TEACHERS 2.0 ® Project of the DOCENTES 2.0 GROUP C.A., chief director of the Teaching Magazines 2.0 of Grupo Docentes 2.0 C.A., co-editor of the UNESCA Panama Magazine, as well as, she has served as editor-in-chief of other international scientific journals, including the Revista of REVECITEC of the Dr. Rafael Belloso Chacín University known as URBE until the year 2020. Likewise, she is the National Ambassador of Venezuela, recognized by ReviewerCredits, with the mission of collaborating for the improvement, recognition, and certification of scientific journal referees worldwide in the peer review process. Ruth has received multiple awards, among them the Yacambú Order in Second Class in 2020 for her outstanding work and contribution to the management for the production of scientific knowledge and techno-educational innovation; UJAP recognition for being an enthusiastic, persevering, tenacious, driving, and collaborating person in the application of ICT; Recognition as Latin American Ambassador of Educational Technology recognized by the Mar de Cortés University Center. Ruth is currently ranked #4 International Referees by ReviewerCredits. In addition, she has extended systemic theory application to students, teachers, and parents, among whom profits reach extraordinary levels. She has more than 2,300 technological-educational articles authored by her, 67 publications in an indexed journal, and four published books. She has participated in the peer process of reviewing more than 500 scientific articles. Therefore, Ruth has been recognized as a tenacious, visionary, and profoundly committed researcher with an education for life. She points out that it is pertinent to remember that "Education must begin at home, continue at school, and be consolidated throughout life."



Martha autor Dra. Iris Agustina Jiménez Pitre, PhD.
ORCID https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8109-7013
ORCID University of La Guajira.
mail [email protected]

Iris Jiménez, Systems Engineer, Ph.D. in Science and Technology Management, Ph.D. in Human Sciences, Doctor in Science and Technology Project Management, Master in Educational Informatics, a teacher at the University of La Guajira, attached to the Faculty of Basic and Applied Sciences - Engineer, an active member of the BIEMARC research group categorized in A, Senior Researcher according to results of the SNCTeI call; President of the International Congress of Education, Technology and Science CIETyC of the University of La Guajira and Universidad San Juan de Argentina, Par National and international evaluator of the MEN at the Doctorate level, International speaker, Director of a postgraduate thesis. Publications in national and international indexed journals, the publication of books, and book chapters.




Panza autor Dra. Nora Panza de Ferrer, PhD.
ORCID https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7198-8672
ORCID Fermín Toro University.
mail [email protected]
Nora Panza de Ferrer, Bachelor of Education. Mention: Learning Difficulties with Magister Scientiarum in Higher Education, two Doctorate, one in Education Sciences and the second in Management, as two Postdoctorate, the first in Advanced Management and a second in Education for Peace. In addition, he has an expert e-learning Master's, Diploma in higher education in virtual environments in distance education. His work experience in the academic field is focused as a Teacher, Researcher, Tutor of Master's and doctoral theses, Reader, and evaluator of scientific articles. Design of academic training programs. General Coordinator University Dean, Chief Academic Division, Postgraduate Director, Head of Planning, and Academic Evaluation. Currently director of academic development at Fermín Toro University. Venezuela. Skills in the management area performing positions such as Manager of planning and management control, Human Resources.
douglas autor Dr. Douglas Barráez
ORCID https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4429-6344
ORCID Fermín Toro University.
mail [email protected]
Lara, Venezuela.
Douglas Barráez, Mechanical Maintenance Engineer (UFT), Doctor of Education Sciences, Master in e-learning Processes (CIU), Master in Leadership and Education Management, Master in Distance Education. Bachelor of Science and Military Arts, Post-doctorate in Education (UFT), and Ph.D. candidate in Advanced Management, Course in Defense and Inter-American Security at the Inter-American Defense College (USA), Management Course in Aeronautical Maintenance in Chicago (USA), Course on Global Treaties of the Western Hemisphere at the Industrial College of the Armed Forces of the US, Investigation of Accidents to Reaction and Quality Control in Wichita Texas (USA), Course of Audit of Air Operations (USA), Course of Senior Management and Administration of Industrial Maintenance in the UCV., in Caracas, Public Debt and Public Credit Course (Andrés Bello Catholic University), Expert Course in E-learning Process, World Instructor in E-learning Processes. "FATLA"; Diploma in Teaching Component in Interactive Distance Education, Undergraduate and Postgraduate Teacher in-person and virtual (UFT, UJAP, UNEXPO).
Jorge autor Dr. Jorge Briceño
ORCID https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2347-5442
ORCID University Pan American Center for Higher Education.
mail [email protected]
Yucatán, México.
Jorge Briceño is an Academic dedicated to teaching and research, with initial normalistic training. Currently, he is a professor-researcher at the Pan American Center for Higher Studies of the State of Michoacán. Born in the city of Izamal, Yucatan State, Mexico, he has Primary School studies studied at the Benemérita and Centenaria Normal School "Rodolfo Menéndez de la Peña," Bachelor of Basic Education, from the National Pedagogical University, Bachelor of Middle Education in the Specialty of Mathematics from the Normal Superior School of Mexico, Master in Basic Education from the Veracruz Pedagogical University, Master in University Teaching from the Ibero-American University of Puebla, Doctor in Education from the Ibero-American University of Puebla. He has served as a rural primary school teacher, federal secondary school math teacher, elementary school principal, technical-pedagogical advisor to the Veracruz Secretariat of Education, advisor to the Teachers Center, advisor to UNESCO-funded programs, advisor to seminars, courses, workshops and diplomas aimed at preschool, primary and secondary teachers of the Ministry of Public Education, subject professor of the National Pedagogical University, professor of mathematics and humanities in higher secondary education, advisor to the Quality Schools Program of the Secretariat of Education, Advisor, synodal and Thesis Director in the Bachelor's degrees of the National Pedagogical University, Course Advisor, Synodal and thesis director in the Master's Degree in Basic Education of the Veracruzana Pedagogical University, Course Advisor and Thesis Director at the Institute of University Studies of Puebla, Course Advisor, Sinodal and Di Rector of thesis at the Pan American University Center for Higher Studies in Michoacán. Occasionally, it collaborates with other institutions. He has researched the field of primary education, the teaching line, and learning evaluation and learning processes. Its formative line is socio-constructivist and lonerganian. He participated in the Mexican Council of Educational Research Congresses in 2015, 2017, and 2019 as a speaker and workshop worker. He has participated as an exhibitor in the 12th and 13th educational research forums of the National Polytechnic Institute and the research forums of the Ibero-American University of Puebla and the Morelia, Michoacán Journal Congress in its 2018 edition.
Jorge autor Dra. Marifel Anzalone
ORCID https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4733-7797
ORCID University of Talca.
mail [email protected]
Talca, Chile.
Marifel Anzalone, Surgeon and Telecommunications Engineer with a Diploma in Health Services Management and a Diploma in Competency-based Education, also has a Specialization in Phoniatrics Masters in University Teaching. She currently has a Doctorate in Educational Technology. She has had work experience as a medical assistant and coordinator of the rural ambulatory type II “El Caliche,” Postgraduate Resident Physician of Phoniatrics, Specialist Physician, Professor of CIPSSV (Center for Psychological, Psychiatric and Sexological Research of Venezuela), Founding Physician, and Director. Unit of Phoniatrics and audiology Razetti, Member of the Curricular Committee of the School of Phonoaudiology in Chile and the curricular committee of the School of Phonoaudiology of the University of Talca, Chile.
Martha autor Dra. Martha Chirinos
ORCID https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0040-6110
ORCID Sweet Home.
mail [email protected]
Viña del Mar, Chile.
Martha Chirinos, Bachelor of Education with a Master of Science in Education with a Doctorate in Education. Martha has held positions as Coordinator of the Master of Science in Education, Academic Assistant Director, and Career Coordinator of Education. She has made publications and is recognized as a great teacher and national speaker.
kenneth autor Dr. Kenneth Rosillón
ORCID https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0172-3828
ORCID Technological center for research and engineering consulting.
mail [email protected]
Maracaibo, Venezuela.

Kenneth Rosillón, Mechanical Engineer (LUZ), Master in Process Control and Automation Engineering (URBE), Master in Teaching, Mention Planning (LUZ), Master in Alternative Energies (UCDMIII), Teaching Specialist, Mention Distance Education, Doctor of Management Sciences in training (URBE), PEI Level B, SEIB Member 851, Spain Madrid, Associate of the Association of Engineers of Venezuela (CIDEZ), Member of the Venezuelan Association of Electrical, Mechanical and Related Engineers AVIEM Zulia, Teacher, Facilitator SIPROLUZ, Academic Vice-Rectorate (LUZ), Management and Engineering Consultant company SEMIR CA, Manager and Researcher of the Technological Center for Research and Consulting in Engineering CA.



Juan author Dr. Juan José Gigliotti.
ORCID https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2743-8681
ORCID Fundación ENAP (Study for Applied Neurosciences).
mail [email protected]
Juan José Gigliotti, Deputy Director of the ENAP Foundation (Study for Neurosciences Applied), is a doctor specializing in New Surgery. Your career is French Charitable and Philanthropic Association-French Hospital, Professor Juan P. Garrahan Pediatric Hospital, Cleveland Spine & Arthritis Center. Cleveland, Ohio, USA USA, University of California. (U.C.L.A.), Head of the Neurosurgery Service of the French Hospital of Bs. As Medical Director of Clinic I, Annex of the French Hospital of Bs. As, Medical Manager of the Sanatorium Castelli de Venado Tuerto, Santa Fe (2012-2017). Its members are the Head of Residents of the Neurosurgery Service of the French Hospital, Instructor of Residents of the Neurosurgery Service of the French Hospital, Head of the Neurosurgery Service of the French Hospital, President of the Association of Professionals of the Art of Curing (APAC) of the French Hospital, Professor of the Neurosurgery course at the UBA, Professor of the Neurosurgery course. It corresponds to the Universidad del Salvador (USAL), Medical Director of Clinica I. Hospital Francés, Full Member of the Argentine College of Neurosurgery, Full Member of the Argentine Association of Neurosurgery Psychoanalysts.
Victor author Dr. Víctor Jama Zambrano, PhD.
ORCID https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8053-5475
ORCID Eloy Alfaro Lay University of Manabi.
mail [email protected]
Víctor Jama Zambrano, Ex-Teacher of the Polytechnic Superior School of Manabí, Professor of the Laica Eloy Alfaro University of Manabí Chone Extension, Ex-President of the Academic Commission, Ex Dean of the Extension, and Ex Rector of the U.E. Fifth of May. Bachelor of Science in Education with a major in Accounting and Administration, Specialist in Intelligence and Education Development, Master in Education and Social Development, Doctor in Administrative Sciences, Doctor in Educational Sciences, and Teaching Teacher in accounting and administration. His work experience is as follows: director of the talents educational center, pedagogical, technical director of the “El Bejucal” educational center, rector (e) “El Bejucal educational center, rector of the Cinco de Mayo unit, president of the Chone extension academic commission, professor of primary school, tutor teacher of 6th grade, teacher of language and communication, and computing of the primary section, teacher of basic informatics and legal informatics at the “El Bejucal” educational center, teacher of basic informatics and legal informatics at the Luis technical university Vargas Torres, pedagogical coordinator of the international program "Competent Readers" of the Alberto Merani Foundation in Colombia, teacher of the educational planning and management course degree program at the Manabí Polytechnic Higher School, Manuel Félix López, a teacher at the Laica Eloy Alfaro University in Manabí.
Victor autor Dr. Carlos Jorge Landaeta Mendoza, PhD.
ORCID https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0297-7029
ORCID San Francisco de Asís Private University
mail [email protected]

Carlos Landaeta, Regional Vice-Rector's Office for the El Alto Academic Sub-Office, SAN FRANCISCO DE ASÍS PRIVATE UNIVERSITY. Bachelor of Psychology, Universidad Mayor de San Andrés, Specialty in research, complexity, and transdisciplinarity, Master of Higher Education, Doctorate in Education with a Focus on Complexity and Transdisciplinary Research, Diploma in Scientific Research, the executive committee of the Bolivian University, Diploma in complexity and transdisciplinarity, Diploma in Teacher Training from transdisciplinary complexity, Diploma in Educational psychology - Case Supervision, Diploma in Higher Education, Diploma in "Intervention to Victims of maltreatment, Intrafamily violence and child sexual abuse," Diploma in Counseling and Counseling of Couples, International Diploma in "Theory and Method of Cognitive - Behavioral Psychology (Educational and Clinical Terminal Areas). His work experience: teacher, tutor, Coordinator of the Sociocultural Animation Sub-program, Member of the court for the defense of degree, Academic Director of the Private University San Francisco de Asís - El Alto, and Regional Vice-rector of the Academic Sub-office El Alto, Private University San Francisco de Asís and research team in charge of the production and elaboration of articles. Acknowledgments: For the contribution made to the Macro District Social Network "Cotahuma free of violence", for having contributed to the construction of a society with full exercise of human rights, for the unconditional support and cooperation provided to the Cotahuma Integral Police Station in the strengthening and dissemination of the culture of Citizen Security, which are for the benefit of the society of the macro Cotahuma District, for having formed the Decorated Teaching Staff with the Degree of "Honor for Educational Merit", member of the Cotahuma Macro District Social Network, for the fight against Child, adolescent and violence abuse in the family, member of the Intercultural Local Network for Violence Prevention and Attention, Max Paredes Macrodistrict, Illustrious Visitor granted by the Copacabana Municipal Autonomous Government, recognition for having promoted and organized the "Day of Preventive Actions of Drug Consumption", by the Winning of the seminar-workshop "Psychopedagogical strategies to support children with learning difficulties in reading, writing and calculation". Author of 9 books, four books as co-author, columnist, and article publications and essays in indexed magazines.

Toro author Dra. Ruth Adriana Toro Álvarez, PhD.
ORCID https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6838-2936
ORCID Universidad Autónoma del Perú.
mail [email protected]

Ruth Toro, Head of the Virtual Learning Area, Head of Institutional Relations, Academic Support of the Postgraduate School, Professor of Personal and Social Development and Scientific Research Methodology at the Autonomous University of Peru. Her academic training includes a Degree in Preschool Education, a Master's in Education Sciences, Mention in Educational Management, Doctorate in Educational Sciences, and a Postdoctorate in Higher Education Management. She has 33 years of teaching experience at different levels and modalities of Latin American Educational Systems, is a certified researcher with projects financed, subsidized, and by her resources, writer of 22 scientific articles published in indexed journals, director of the Research Institute of the Universidad Peruana Simón Bolívar (Peru) and professor of the Coaching and Scientific Research Methodology II Chairs, professor at the San Martín de Porres University of Peru of the Integration of Art, Science and Technology in the Classroom Chairs, Theoretical Foundations of Educational Informatics, Management of Information, Design of Multimedia Materials, English teacher in Kindergarten and First Grade. Computer Science and Technology, Artistic and Fine Arts teacher in grades 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 of secondary school at the Academia Bilingüe Panamericana (Panama), experience in curriculum design, performance evaluation, E-Learning, management consultant of Virtual Platforms for Learning, president of the Morpheus International Foundation until 2016 (USA), consultant on issues of Formative Research, School Violence and Improvement of Organizational Culture in Educational Institutions of Colombia, advisor to the Research Department of Educational Projects and Programs assigned to the Research Line: Teaching and Community Projection at the Institute for Research and Studies of Cardiovascular Diseases of the University of Zulia (IECLUZ) (Venezuela), tutor of Master's and Doctorate Research Works in Management, Communication, Culture Organizational, Technology in the Classroom, E-Learning, among others, coordinator of the Master's program in Ci Sciences of Education, Educational Management Mention of the Rafael Belloso Chacín University (URBE) Zulia, (Venezuela) from 02-01-2012 to 09-04-15, member of the Technical Committee for the evaluation of research projects of the Level of Diversified and Professional Media in the Mater Salvatoris School, Pedagogical promoter of the Mater Salvatoris School before the Ministry of Popular Power for Education, member of the Academic Committee in the Educational Management Master's Degree. URBE, responsible for the Development and Organizational Behavior Research Line and Co-responsible for the Educational Management Line in the Master's in Educational Management URBE, accountable for the Teaching and Curriculum Research Line in the Master's in Educational Management at URBE, responsible for the Evaluation of the Performance of Teachers assigned to the Master's Degree, researcher at the CIHE (Research Center for Humanities and Education), member of the Team of Referees of Scientific Journals (REDHECS), (RVTS), (REDEZ), (OPCION) and (ETHOS) , member of the Organizing Committee of the VI NATIONAL CONFERENCE ON URBE RESEARCH, member of the Organizing Committee of the I INTERNAL CONFERENCE ON CURRICULUM REFLECTION: FUNDAMENTALS, ANALYSIS AND EXPRESSIONS, member of the Organizing Committee of the I SEMINAR ON URBE EDUCATIONAL ADMINISTRATION AND ITS LEGAL FRAMEWORK, member Technical Table for the evaluation of research projects of the Venezuelan Association for the Advancement of Science (ASOVAC), responsible for the Curriculum Design of the Master's Degree in Educational Psychology of the URBE approved by the CNU and OPSU. Waiting for it to come out in the Official Gazette, responsible for the Re-Accreditation of the Master's Program in Education Sciences, Mention in Educational Management of URBE, and International speaker ON THEMES OF Technology in the Classroom, Research, E-Learning.


Rafaela author Dra. Rafaela Solís Muñoz, PhD.
ORCID https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3941-3040
ORCID Universidad Centro Panamericano de Estudios Superiores (UNICEPES).
mail [email protected]
Rafaela Solís Muñoz has a degree in History (2003) from the Faculty of History of the Michoacan University of San Nicolás de Hidalgo. An institution in which she obtained her Master's degree in 2007 and 2014, and her Doctorate in History, in both cases as a CONACYT fellow. During her undergraduate studies, she made two research stays at the National Library of Cuba and the Library of the University of Havana, an institution that received her in American history (2001 and 2002). Later, during her master's studies, she obtained the Santander Universia mobility grant for a research stay at the National Autonomous University of Mexico. She has participated as an assistant and speaker in numerous national and international congresses on political history, intellectuals, Ideas, and Culture. Her expertise is in Latin American thought, education, science, and culture. She has published the article: “José Antonio and her abolitionist thought” in the Cuban-Mexican magazine Chacmool (2004) and “The United States as seen by four Latin American intellectuals, 1831-1856” in the magazine Ciencia y Multidisciplinary. He has published the book: The war in Mexico and the United States as seen by Hispano-American intellectuals (2017) and the United States in the travel diaries of four Hispano-American scholars of the 19th century and several book chapters; he has other texts in the press in the format of scientific articles. She has collaborated with the Universidad Centro Panamericano de Estudios Superiores (UNICEPES) to develop its program, coordinate the postdoctoral program, and its Academic Secretary. He has coordinated national and international academic events and is currently an active member of the Association of Latin American and Caribbean Historians (ADHILAC) and is the Technical Secretariat of the Network of Ibero-American Experts in Teaching, Research and Development AC He completed a two-year postdoctoral stay in the Center for Historical Studies of the Colegio de Michoacán. She is the director of the magazine La Red de Expertos Iberoamericana en Tecencia, Investigación y Desarrollo A. C. In 2018 she completed the Diploma in Professional Correction of Style and Editorial Consulting. She is currently studying for a Higher Diploma in Reading, Writing, and Education at FLACSO-Argentina University. She is the creator and coordinator of the multidisciplinary diplomas of thesis and scientific articles at the Self-Access Center of the Department of Languages of the Michoacana University of San Nicolás de Hidalgo, Morelia Michoacán, Mexico.
Rafaela author Dra. Rosa Salomé Ortiz González.
ORCID https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6179-2166
ORCID Las Colinas School.
mail [email protected]
Rosa Ortiz, an English teacher, graduated from the Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador, Magister Scientiarum in Higher Education, and Doctor in Education Sciences. Specialist in Virtual Learning Environments, Curriculum Planning, and Community Work. She has worked as a Curriculum Coordinator, General Director of Research and Graduate Studies, Organizer of International Research Conferences, Referee, and Coordinator of Scientific Journals at Universidad Fermín Toro, UCLA, UPEL. Speaker and moderator in regional, national, and international research events. She has published articles related to Science, Technology, and Research. Honorable Mention and Publication in her graduate work: "The blog as a resource for the teaching of English," and in her doctoral thesis: "The researcher's self, phenomenological self-concept of the researcher versus the creative process of the doctoral thesis." She teaches children, young people, and adults English, Ethics, Research Methodology, Philosophy, Language, and Communication. Tutor and jury for graduate work at Fermín Toro University and UNY. Member of the ONCTI in Venezuela.
Rafaela author Dr. Miguel Ángel Millán
ORCID https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2205-6315
 ORCID Universidad del Valle de Toluca.
mail [email protected]
Miguel Ángel Millán , Postdoctoral candidate in Sciences from the Universidad Centro Panamericano de Professional Studies. Doctorate in administration with academic excellence from the Institute of Higher Studies. Master of Business Administration with Honorable Mention from the Inter-American University for Development. Degree in Political Science and Public Administration from the Autonomous University of Mexico. Diploma in Tax Technique and Diploma in Civil Organizations, Political Culture, and Citizen Participation, El Colegio Mexiquense, A.C. Public administration management specialist with 25 years of experience in the public sector; coordinate actions of development plans; professionalization; regional and tax studies and international cooperation; develop mathematical models to distribute public resources; Design investment policies and ISO-9000 Quality Systems Leader. With various publications in magazines and government editions, Researcher for government institutions in evaluating public policies and financial management with 77 research reports and 27 annual program evaluation programs. Instructor in continuing education at Universidad del Valle de Toluca; University of the Valley of Mexico campus Lomas Verdes and Texcoco; UAEMex, Faculty of Administration; Universidad Autónoma Chapingo and Colegio de Ingenieros Civiles del Estado de México, A.C.



Crespo autor Dr.Luis Andrés Crespo Berti.
ORCID https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8609-4738
ORCID The Regional Autonomous University of the Andes, extension Ibarra-Ecuador.
mail [email protected]
Luis Crespo, Web of science Id R.8803-2019. He is accredited as a national researcher by the SENESCYT of Ecuador with registration No. INV-17-01842, currently professor-principal researcher level III and research coordinator of the Faculty of Jurisprudence of the Autonomous Regional University of the Andes, extension Ibarra-Ecuador. By profession, he is a marketer, methodologist, administrator, and trinational lawyer EC-PE-VE (member); he is a criminal professor and a methodologist. Specialist, Magister Scientiarum, and Doctor of Legal Sciences, illegal mention (2001). From 2003 to 2020, he served as professor-researcher, academic, and research coordinator—invited lecturer-speaker at 19 lectures in the last two years at International Scientific Congresses, USA. USA (3), PANAMÁ (2), PERÚ (2), ECUADOR (9), ESPAÑA (1), and VENEZUELA (2) (2016-2018). It has 53 publications indexed in international databases, including Index Copernicus (ICI World of Journals), Google Scholar, BASE, Microsoft Academic, Web of Science, Scopus, and SciELO. Among them are nine books; 4 chapters of collective books, three essays; 1 research macro project executed (UCV-2014); 2 book reviews, and; 34 items. His research fields are Current affairs in criminal law, behavioral and behavioral sciences, especially law and education. Most outstanding aspects of the research and teaching experience: Certified Online Learning Facilitator: Acropolis technology platform based on Moodle at the Doctoral level in Legal Sciences, Advisor, consultant, and tutor of 936 research projects at the national and international level, at postgraduate level (doctorate, master, specialization and undergraduate) at universities: UCBSP, BO / UNIACC, CH / ULADECH, PE / UNITEC, VE / UCV, VE / UCE, EC / UCAB, VE / UDLA, EC / PUCE, EC / UJMV, VE / USM, VE / CIU, CU / UIDE, EC / UNIANDES, EC / NACHI, PA / UMET, EC / BUSINESS TECHNOLOGY INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY, USA / COMPLUTENSE, ES / USC, ES, among others, Expert trainer in standards and formats APA, Chicago and Vancouver style and trainer in complex exams methodology, reagent designs (structured based tests).



logo autor Grupo Docentes 2.0 C.A.
ORCID Editorial Grupo Docentes 2.0 C.A.
mail [email protected]
Grupo Docentes 2.0 C.A. Company provides services and solutions in the technological-educational sector, focusing on technological resources.